- Population The population of 12,001,430 is
composed of 37% Ovumbundus, 25% Kimbundus, 13%
Bakongos and 2% Mestizos (mixed blood).
of working age (15-65) : 6 million
Population working : 4.8 million, 27% in industry
and services
Growth rate : 2.90 %
Population density : 10 inhab./km2
0-14 year olds : 47.55%
15-64 year olds : 49.57%
65 years and over : 2.88%
reproduction rate : 6.74%
life expectancy : 46.5 ans
urban population : 32.92%
of developement (latest available
growth 1997-2015 (%) : +2.7
infant mortality (%) : 12.5
energy consumption per capita TOE : 0.53
population without drinking water (% pop) : 69
population without sanitary installations (% pop) :
n° of doctors per 1000 inhabitants : 0.1
n° of telephone lines per 1000 inhabitants :
n° of mobile phones per 1000 inhabitants :
n° of private cars per 1000 inhabitants :
n° of computers per 1000 inhabitants : 0.7
adult illiteracy (%) : 65e
secondary schooling/age group (%) : 11.8
graduates/age group (%) : 1
8 - Language
Portuguese, Ombundu, Kimbundu and Kikongo are
9 - Religion
Several religions are practised in the country
- Roman Catholics 38 %
- Protestants 15%
- tribal religions 47%
10 - Weights, measures & voltage
The metric system is in use.
11 - Money
Currency : kwanza (= 100 Iweis)
Exchange rate : 100 AOA = 67,251 FRF
Exchange regime: floating exchange rate
since 24/05/99. On 13/12/99 the new kwanza
(AOA) was introduced, equal to 1 million old
kwanzas (OAR)
12 - Main towns
Luanda is the capital of Angola. An
international port and airport, it has 1,600,000
Other main towns : Huambo, 200,000
inhabitants. Benguela, 155,000 inhabitants.
Lobito, 150,000 inhabitants. Lubango,
105,000 inhabitants.
13 - Climate
The Angolan climate has two predominant seasons :
the dry season and the rainy season.
Dry season (May to September) :
On the coastal plain the climate is dominated by
fog (due to the cold Benguela current) which takes
away a lot of the sun. This season is however the
best for travelling as the heat is much more
careful in the regions of Malange and the Lucala
Falls which are situated on the plateau : it is not
rare that huge temperature differences are recorded
between night and day (it sometimes even freezes
very early in the morning). It is also very cold
during the night in the mountain chain along the
you want to visit the game parks (Cameia, Luando,
Milando, etc.) the best period is from mid-August
to December.
Rainy season (October to April) :
On the extension of the Namibean desert, in the
southern part of Angola, there is nearly no
The rainfall is heavier and heavier the more you
penetrate into the interior of the country.
Sometimes the rainy season is interrupted around
the region of Luanda by a short dry period called
the "little cacimbo".
« Little cacimbo » : a dry and
stuffy period which affects the high regions and
the southern coast. The sea on the southern part of
the coast is cooled by the cold Benguela
the north in the Cabinda region (between Zaire and
Congo) the rainfall is heavier than in Luanda. The
sky is often overcast.
Temperature averages (max/min)
...........F ..........M .........A ........M
........J ..........J ........A .......S
..........O........... N ........D
Cangamba (1 325 m) ..29/17 ...29/17 ...31/17
...32/14 ...32/11 ...30/9 ...28/8 ...31/8 ...32/13
...31/15 ...29/16 ..29/16
Enclave de Cabinda ..30/23 ...31/23 ...31/23
...30/23 ...29/23 ...26/21 ..26/18 .26/19 .27/21
..28/23 ...29/23 ..28/23
Huambo (1 700 m) .....25/14 ...25/14 ...25/15
...25/14 ...26/11 ...25/8 ....25/8 ...27/10 .29/13
..27/14 ...25/14 ...25/15
Luanda .......................30/24 ...31/24
...31/24 ...31/24 ...29/23 ...27/30 ..24/18 ..24/18
.26/20 ..28/22 ...29/23 ..30/23
Moçâdemes ...............26/18
...28/20 ...29/21... 28/19 ...25/15 ...22/14..
20/13 ..21/14 .22/15 ..23/16 ...26/17 ..26/18
Sea Temperatures: monthly average
............................J.... F.... M...
A... .M.... J..... J..... A.... S.... O.... N....
Luanda ............26 ...27 ...27 ...27 ...26 ...23
...22 ...21 ...22 ...24 ...25 ...25
Moçâdemes ....21 ...22 ...24 ...24
...22 ...19 ...18 ...17 ...18 ...19 ...20 ...21
14 - Insects & animals
There are mosquitoes everywhere in the country
which are particularly active after nightfall