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Brasil Welcome
Guide for living and working in Brazil
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which is the capital of Brazil since 21st April 1960, and its suburbs has a population of one million seven hundred thousand inhabitants.

Rio de Janeiro
relinquished its title of capital to Brazilia, but remains the second biggest and splendid town of Brazil with its 6 million inhabitants.
Rio continues to be the capital of the legendary Brazil of beaches, carnival, football and samba, and is its cultural centre, its brand image, its synthesis, its sounding box.

The town oscillates between luxury and misery, the population is easy going and full of the joy of living.

Over the last 10 years the GDP of the State of Rio has quadrupled, the average salary has tripled, consumption has boomed. 59% of the population are middle class.

The mayor, Luiz Paulo Condo, who is an urban architect, has made it safe and pleasant for the population to be out on the streets again by cleaning up the centre of the old town and the public squares, and by improving the lighting on the beaches of Copacabana and Ipanema.
The rebirth of the town is attracting crowds of investors.
Since a few years, thanks to the dynamism of the new administration, Rio can brag of really having one of the most beautiful sea fronts in the world.
Promenades have been re-designed for the comfort of pedestrians and an amazing cycle lane goes all the way around the beaches, from Leblon to Flamengo, passing via Ipanema, Copacabana, Botafogo and up to the Santos Dumont airport.
During the day the beaches are everybody's meeting place, with no distinction of age or class. At night the beaches are lit and people play volleyball or football.
(see page Tourism - Carnival)

Sao Paulo
Is the financial centre of Brazil and boasts 10 million inhabitants. It is the privileged target of private investors (43% of 1999's industrial investment ).
It is Brazil's locomotive, the third biggest city in the world, it is a town of superlatives, here everything is bigger than anywhere else, the agglomeration of Sao Paulo has a higher population than the whole of Chile! Here, people work more, there is more building going on and more pollution !
This impossible megapolis is also the most cosmopolitan agglomeration in Latin America, the town is home to 600,000 Japanese, a million Italians, as many Spanish, 100,000 Germans.
The best restaurants in Latin America are to be found here.

Salvador de Bahia
is the capital of the State of Bahia.
It is a town with a strong African influence and 2.3 million inhabitants.

Belo Horizonte
Is the third highest populated town in Brazil with 3 million inhabitants.
It has succeeded in becoming an important economic centre while at the same time offering an exceptional quality of life and a wide range of cultural activities.

It is a large town with high-rise buildings which are little by little taking the place of colonial style houses. Its thirty parks keep it a very attractive place to live, two million trees brush their leaves against the frieze and sculptures of palaces designed in a pure neo-classical style.

Curitiba i
Is a town where agriculture and stock breeding are rapidly expanding.

Is a port, called the Brazilian Venice.

Porto Alegre
Is the biggest town in southern Brazil and also a very important port.

Guarapuava Guaratinguetá Irati Itaitubá João Pessoa Joinville Juazeiro Juazeiro do NorteLagoa de Jacarepagua Lavras Londrina
Macapá Maceió Manaus Maraba Marília Montes Claros Mossoró Natal
Palmas Peixe Pelotas Pirassununga Poços de Caldas Ponta Porã Porto Alegre Porto Seguro
Porto Velho Praiado Rosa Presidente Prudente
Recife Ribeirão Preto Rio Branco Rio de Janeiro
Salvador Santa Maria Santarém Santos São José do Rio Preto São José dos Campos
São Luís São Paulo Sorocaba
Tabatinga Teresina Torres Três Logoas Tucuruí
Uberaba Vilhena Vitória

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