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Brasil Welcome
Guide for living and working in Brazil
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26 - Schools & Schooling

There is no automatic equivalence between the French and the Brazilian diplomas.
To enter university a Brazilian student has to sit a very selective entrance exam, the vestibular.
It is prepared in private cramming courses known as cursinhos.
Public secondary schooling is not very good and people who can afford it send their children to private schools.
In fact nearly all the university students come from private schools.

There are three very good French schools, which cost from 12,000 to 34,000 FF per year.


Lycée François Mitterand,
Avenida W 4 Sul Quadra 907.BRASILIA DF.
Tel : 243 64 64
From pre-school to secondary (6th to 1st form).
The fees have to be paid in advance and paid month by month, they are for ten months and have to be paid in French francs.
French pupils have a 20% reduction.
The school year starts in September and ends at the end of June.


Lycée Molière,
Rua Pereira da Silva, 728 Laranjeiras Rio de Janeiro 22221-140
Tel : (55) 21 556 62 96 Fax : (55) 21 205 90 14 Internet :
Homologous level of education :
kindergarten : from 3 years old
primary: from CP to CM2
secondary : from the 6th form to the 3rd form - high school : from 2nd form to Terminals L-ES-S
N° of students : 689 of which 419 are French
Annual school fees : 31 000 FF
School year : February to December
Languages taught : 1st languages English and Portugues, 2nd languages : German and Spanish


Rua dos Navegantes 910. Boa Viagem.51021 RECIFE PE.Tel : (081) 326 80 02.
From pre-school (from 2 years old), to secondary (6th to 3rd forms).
The inscription fees must be paid in Brazilian currency and amount to a month's schooling. All students get 3 hours lessons of Portuguese per week.


Lycée Pasteur, Rua Vergueiro.3799, Vila Mariana.04101 SAO PAULO SP.
Tel : 5494822 or 5494165.Fax : 5716076. Internet :
From pre-school up to preparation for the IEP entrance exam.
Families who have several children in the school can get a reduction in the fees.
Homologous level of education.
Half-board and school bus.
kindergarten : from 3 years old
primary : from CP to CM2
secondary : from the 6th form to the 3rd form - high school : from 2nd form to Terminals L-ES-S
N° of students : 1,003 of which 526 are French
Annual school fees : 34,700 FF
School year : from February to December
Languages taught : 1st language English and Portuguese, 2nd language : German and Spanish
other : Latin.

You can ask for a school grant (if you are French) to help you to finance your studies or those of your children, you have to fulfill certain conditions however :

- the candidate and his family must reside in the country where the school is situated
- it must be a French school
- the person asking and his family must be registered with the Embassy
- these grants are only available for primary and secondary schooling, they can cover the fees, half-board or boarding
- they are for families who have financial difficulties.

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-to minimalize the problems of starting up a company (procedure, fiscal policies etc) it is better to create a limited company than to open a branch
-if you need financing, don't hope to find it in Brazil, the rates are prohibitive (between 20 and 25% and from 40 to 50% for personal bank loans!). If you are setting up a company you will need enough funds to last out for at least a year.
-the bureaucracy is so complex that a new profession has been created : the despachante, who is an intermediary who takes charge of all the administrative formalities for a company. Even if it seems an extra charge, this is an indispensable service.
-the market is very competitive, so use modern technologies.

Formalities to be completed, Visa for trip, Visa Brazil

Health and welfare :

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