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Canada Welcome
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1 - Political Status
Political Organization
Canada is a federal parliamentary state and a member of the Commonwealth. The Prime Minister holds the power and is reponsible to the House of Commons. The House of Commons is made up
of 295 members elected for 5 years by general election. The Senate is composed of 104 life members proposed by the Prime Minister.

There are 10 provinces and two territories. The Federal State was founded by an Act of British Parliament, the Act of British North America in 1867. Ottawa deals with subjects of national interest and importance while the provincial governments manage natural resources, fiscality, education, municipalities, property and civil rights. The Queen of England, who is the Canadian Head of State holds executive power which she delegates to the Governor General. The Prime Minister is the head of the party which gets the most seats in the House of Commons.

The legal system : Case law is constituted of principals derived from English Common Law, which is at the basis of the federal, provincial and territorial laws, except in Quebec where the legal tradition relies on written rules inspired by the Napoleonic Code.

2 -Geographical situation
Geographical situation

A little bit smaller than Russia (10 million square kilometers), Canada is bounded by the Atlantic,
the Pacific and the Arctic.
There is a common border with the USA stretching over 6000 kms and 5 fresh water lakes which are the biggest in the world. Three quarters of Canada is uninhabitable desert. On the west Pacific coast the Canadian part of the coastline is fairly short, Alaska (which is American) takes up most of it.

Canada is divided into 10 provinces, each one having its own capital : British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia.

Alberta produces 80% of the petrol and natural gas. Agriculture is extremely important. Manitoba produces cereals and food products and has a mining industry. Ontaria is in step with the USA, it is a province where the wealth comes from the automobile industry as well as from its natural and agricultural resources. New Brunswick developes its forest and food products and has a very impressive telecommunication network. Nova Scotia has very well developed fishing industry. Alena is a free exchange agreement with America which rules the relationship with the USA in particular.

  Economy and Statistics

Canada, which is the 7th economic power in the world just behind the UK, is recovering from an economic crisis. There was a deficit in the balance of payments from 1972 to 1992, and a recession in the economy in 1990 and 1991.

In Canada 4.2% of the population work in the agricultural sector and 5% of the country is covered in farmland. Agricultural land is predominant in the west of the country. Forests cover
3,417,000 km2 and are made up of evergreens and deciduous trees. Canada is the 6th biggest paper producer in the world.

The French Chamber of Commerce in Canada gives out a detailled list of the promising sectors in the country, particularly in Quebec. As a member of Alena, Canada touches a market of 360 million consumers (1.3% of Canadian trade).

External Trade :

The 57% rise in buying is due to the buying of ores (paper, wood, aluminium etc...) and to the under-evaluation of the Canadian dollar.

Canadian growth was 4.5% in 1994 and fell by 2.2% in 1995, explained by the record excess in exports of 28 billion dollars (+17%, that is 264 billion dollars of exports).

External trade is necessary to the Canadian economy. Exportation of goods and services represent about 35% of the GDP, that is 3.9% of the world trade in 1995, and keep nearly 3 million Canadians in work (3 out of 4 contribute to exports).

A leader in energy sources :

Thanks to the enormous variety of mining resources the hydroelectric capacity is nearly illimited. Energy production progressed by 5.1% in 1995, that is a 10% rise in exports, while internal demand rose by 1.7% . The huge road network, which is connected to the American one gives a privileged access to the whole of North America.

Industrial growth slowed down in 1996, 1.8% instead of 2.2% in 1995. The unemployment rate stagnated at 9.5% (1995). Purchasing power stabilized at 1.6% of inflation in the beginning of 1996, catching up with the drop in salaries.

The Canadian level of living is one of the highest in the world. More than 65% of the population owns his own home.

Others sectors of activity : aerospace equipment, pharmaceutical products, information techniques, electrical components and their commercialization, metal and mineral conversion, petrochemicals, food products, house building, fashion, textiles, environment, medico-surgical production, industry, consumer goods, tourism.

Economical Index :

Rich country, the GNP is 20,000 US$ per capita in 1993.
Working population : 14,832,000
GDP per capita : 26;347 $ Can.
Growth rate : 2.2%
Inflation : 2.1%
Unemployment : 10.4%
Exports (1995) : 264 billion $Can.
Imports (1995) : 225 billion $ Can.
French companies : approx. 300

British Colombia
The capital is Vancouver. British Columbia is the Canadian gateway

The capital of Alberta is Edmonton.

The capital of Manitoba is Winnipeg.

Prince Edward Island
The capital of this island is Charlottetown

Nova Scotia
The capital is Halifax

The capital is Saint Jean. The main industry is fishing, but its mining industries (iron, zinc, asbestos, etc...) and the developement of its natural resources explain its economic expansion.

With Ottawa as the capital of Canada, and Toronto such an important economic centre,
Ontario is a province turned to the US market. It has great natural resources.

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