Guide for expatriates moving, living and working in Canada, Quebec City Guide, international Movers Toronto, aparthotel Ottawa,
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Canada Welcome
Guide for living, study and working in Canada
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Canada Welcome

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City Canada


Geographical situation
Economy & statistics


Other sectors
Weights, measures and voltages
Main towns


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Cost of Living
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Other sectors

71% of the economically active population work in the service industries and contribute 68% of the GNP. The strong sectors of the economy are telecommunication, transport equipment, aeronautics, data processing, mineral industries, metal and newsprint paper.
The leading companies are Bombardier (urban rail transport), Quebecor (printing).

There are 11,000 small and medium size companies and manufacturers, 4,000 of which are exporters.
Quebec has the lowest corporate taxes. Unemployment is approx. 10%.

Canada numbers 29 million inhabitants spread through the 10 provinces.
80% live in Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia, and three quarters of them are domiciliated in the big towns : Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa.

The official languages are both English and French. More than a quarter of the country is French speaking (Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick).
It is highly recommended to have a good knowledge of English before going to Canada.

Religious affiliations in Canada are :
Catholics 47.3%, Protestants 41.2%, Orthodox 1.5%, Jews 1.2%, others 1.4% and no religion 7.4%.

Weights, measures and voltage
Electric current is at 110 v.
The metric system has been in use for several years.

The currency is the Canadian dollar with the effigy of Queen Elizabeth II.
It is worth approx. 4.10 FF (depending on the exchange rate).
It is divided into 100 cents and is depreciating against the American dollar.

Main towns
The main towns are Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Regina.

Summer is usually short and hot, winter is very long and very cold. Spring and autumn are short,
the autumn is famous for its beautiful colours (Indian summer). On the west coast (Vancouver)
there is a more temperate climate, more humidity and flowering lasts longer.
The north of the country (in Quebec, in the Labrador region) is extremely cold and practically uninhabited except for some Eskimos and Inuit.

In Toronto temperatures can go down to -20° C in winter and up to 30°C in summer.

It is recommended to take a coat, scarf and gloves with you

Insects and animals

Mosquitoes (known locally as maringouins) are usually quite active at the beginning of the summer from sundown and when the weather is cloudy. Black flies take over from sunrise. There is really a lot near pools and lakes, which abound in the Canadian forest. It is necessary to have creams and sprays with you.

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