1 - Political
Organization :
Nowadays the People's Republic of China has
only one political party, the Communist party, with
a President, Mr Jiang Zemin and a Prime Minister,
Mr Li Peng, and a National People's Congress,
composed of 2978 delegates elected for five years
by the Local People's Congress and by the People's
Liberation Army. The Constitution, in effect since
1954, was revised in March 1978. The regime can be
defined in the following way : 'a people's
democratic state led by the working class and based
on the alliance of workers and peasants' or
alternatively 'a dictatorship of the proletariat.'
The Constitution authorizes private property
independently of the state and cooperatives. Power
is divided between the Standing Committee, the
National People's Congress and local Congresses
(provincial, district, cantonal). Members of the
cantonal Congresses are elected by the people,
while the members of the upper Congresses are
elected by the members of the lower
Congresses.Since the death of Mao Tse-tung (Sept.
76) the main objective is the struggle against
poverty and the acceleration of the modernization
of China.
Administrative subdivisions :
Capitals km2 hab H/km2
Beijing - 17.800 8.000.000 449
Tien Tsin - 11.000 7.100.000 645
Shanghai - 5.800 10.000.000 1724
Capitals km2 hab H/km2
Autonomous regions
Kouang Si Nan Ning 230.000 31.300.000 136
Inner Mongolia Kouei Souei 450.000 8.500.000
Ningsia Hui Yin Tchouan 170.000 3.000.000 17,6
Sin Kiang Ouroumtchi 1.600.000 10.500.000 6,6
Tibet Lhassa 1.200.000 1.700.000 1,4
China Beijing 9.334.600 907.000.000 97
Administrative subdivisions (next) :
Capitals km2 hab H/km2
Ngan Houei Ho Fei 130.000 -45.000.000 - 346
Tche Kiang Hang Tchéou 100.000 36.000.000
Ching Hai Si Ning 720.000 3.400.000 4,7
Fou Kien Fou Tchéou 120.000 24.000.000
Hei Long Kiang Pin Kiang 710.000 32.400.000 46
Ho Nan Tchen Tchéou 160.000 68.700.000
Ho Pei TchiKiaTchouang 190.000 49.400.000 260
Hou Nan Tchang Cha 210.000 49.600.000 236
Hou Pei Wou Han 180.000 41.300.000 229
Kan Sou Lan Tchéou 530.000 18.000.000 34
Kiang Si Nan Chang 160.000 29.400.000 184
Kiang Sou Nan Kin 100.000 55.000.000 550
Kirin Tchang Tchoun 290.000 23.000.000 79
Kouang Toung Canton 220.000 54.100.000 246
Kouei Tchéou Kouei Yang 170.000 24.800.000
Liao Ning Chen Yang 230.000 35.700.000 155
Chan Si Tai Yuan 150.000 23.000.000 153
Chang toung Tsi Nan 150.000 70.000.000 467
Chen Si Si Ngan 190.000 26.500.000 139
Se Tchouan Tcheng Tou 560.000 89.500.000 160
Yunnan Kun Ming 390.000 28.000.000 74
Historical Outline :
In 1842 after the Anglo-Chinese war called the
Opium war, China had to give Hong Kong to Great
Britain and open up its ports to international
trade. There were peasant uprisings in the interior
of the country.
At this time, the Europeans who had already settled
in the coastal areas were steadily leading a
reorganization amongst the middle classes.
In 1895 China was obliged to give Korea and Formosa
to Japan.
In 1900 the situation was deteriorating, and the
Boxer revolution against foreigners started,
causing international retaliation and finally
wiping out the prestige of the Emperor.
In 1912 the Imperial family renounced the throne
and a Republic was proclaimed. Sun Yat-sen founded
the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang). In 1921 the
Communist Party was created. In 1927 General Tchang
Kai-chek, head of the Kuomintang, pursued his
struggle against the generals from the north.
Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931. Powerless in front
of the Japanese, the Kuomintang were forced to
change their capital.
After the Second World War, Japan capitulated but
the hostilities between Kuomintang and the
communists started up again. In 1949 the communists
entered Peking, Tchang Kai-chek took refuge in
On 1st Octobre Mao Tse-Tung created the first
government of the People's Republic of China. It
was acknowledged in 1971 by the Assembly General of
the United Nations. China became a member of the
Security Council with the same rights as the USA,
URSS, Great Britain and France.
It is a major world power and has its own nuclear
1989 was marked by the bloody night in the Tien An
Men Square.
2 -
Geographical situation
China is a similar size
to all of Europe together but its population
represents a quarter of the whole world population.
It has the third biggest surface in the world after
URSS and Canada. It stretches from Siberia in the
north down to tropical seas, has the biggest desert
in the world, the Gobi Desert, and the highest
mountain range with the summit in the
China is an immense country of 9,596,961sq. kms.
which stretches from the Pacific Ocean to central
Asia, with the Democratic Republic of Korea to the
east, Russia to the north-east and north-west,
Mongolia in the north, Afghanistan and Pakistan in
the south-west and India, Burma, Laos and Vietnam
to the south.
In the north the coastline is bounded by the Yellow
Sea, in the centre by the East China Sea and in the
south the South China Sea.
China also possesses 3000 islands and islets in the
South China Sea.
The autonomous territory of Hong Kong, off the
south of China has been in British hands for a
century but was restored to the People's Republic
in 2000.
- Regions -
Eastern Region :
Eastern China with its great rivers, such as
the Soungari-Lia Ho, the Houang-Ho (the Yellow
River), the Yang-tse-kiang (the Blue River), the
Si-Kiang (the River of Pearls).
Western Region
Western China is divided into 3 zones :
Tibet-Chingai, Sin Kiang and Kan Sou, Inner
North East Region
North East China has the Great Khingan
mountains to the west. In the north runs the River
Amour, in the East the Oussouri near the Tchang Pei
Chand mountains. An impressive forest vegetation
flourishes in the mountains, while on the plains
and in the hills the land is farmed. The climate is
cold (-4° to 10° in winter).
Northern Region
In Northern China flows the River Houan Ho. The
Kan Ho and the Ouei Ho basins are in this region.
The northern and western boundaries are fixed by
the Mongol plateau, the eastern ones by the Yellow
Sea and the East Chinese Sea. In the north are the
biggest plains in the country where the populations
have concentrated since the origins of Chinese
civilisation. The loess (a yellow a dust deposited
by the wind) makes the soil extremely fertile.
Centre :
Central Region
The centre is crossed by the Yang Tse Kiang
River, the 4th longest river in the world (5552
kms). This region is known for its mountain ranges,
hills, valleys and tributaries of the
Yang-Tse-kiang and the lakes Toung Ting, Pou Yang
and Tai. The soil is less fertile than in the
north, but heavy rainfall and a mild climate give
good harvests.
Southern Region
The southern region which goes down to the sea
is bordered by the Yunnan Plateau in the west at an
altitude of 1000 to
2000 m. Tributaries of the River Si Kiang meet in
the Canton delta, the only plain in the region. The
climate is hot and temperate.
Tibet-Chingaï is the region with the
highest altitudes, the Himalayas, the Karakoram
range, Mt Se Tchouan, Mt Min Chan, the Altyntag and
the Nan Chans.
Sin Kiang Region
This region covers all the western part of
outer China. The climate in the centre of the Tarim
basin is desert, arid, the Takla Makan has less
than 50 mm of rain a year. In the mountains it
rains up to 500 mm with temperatures going from
-20°C (January in Dzoungarie) and 28° in
Inner Mongolia is situated to the south of the
People's Republic of Mongolia, it is a vast
semi-desert region.
3 -
Economy & Statistics
At present there exists
three forms of economy in the country :
-a modern economy run by foreign investments (2% of
the GNP) which supplies 40% of the exports
-a capitalist economy with workers working at home,
which is the backbone of the light industry
-a communist system, especially in the north
Contact : HEC Eurasia Institute, : (01) 39 67 70
With its economic expansion at more than 10% a year
and rapid modernization, China offers numerous
opportunities for French enterprises.
Contact : HEC Eurasia Institute 01 39 67 70 25.
It can be said that China's stability depends on
the Western world, for it is not very present on
world markets. For example, the state only taxes
11% of the GNP. It is one of the lowest rates in
the world. The currency, the Yuan divided into Fen,
has a stable parity against the dollar.
Inflation tends to be diminishing, according to the
latest economic statistics :
In 1994 inflation was at 24.2%, in 1995 it was at
14.8% and in 1996 it was down to 7%.
This should stimulate the economy, especially since
the government is pursuing its policy of lowering
the price of cars and giving assistance to house
Income in China :
An employee who works in town earns about
3855 yuan, i.e. 465 dollars. For example a
secretary's salary is about 1700 FF.
Someone who is employed in the countryside earns
about 1550 yuan, i.e. 186 dollars.
There is little unemployment in China and the rate
has stayed fairly stable over the last few years,
in 1995 it was at 3% in the towns and in 1996 at
Public works employ two-thirds of the urban work
force and only represents one-third of production.
There is a move to reform public work companies.
Financial investments are on the increase. Over the
period 1979-94 foreign investment already
represented 100 billion US dollars.
Joint ventures are becoming more common and this
opens up more opportunities on the Chinese
External trade
In general external trade has constituted a
volume of 280.85 billion dollars (that is a rise of
18.6%), sub-contracting included.
French economic presence : big industrial contracts
remain the basis of French trade with China, which
explains the irregularity of exports (in 1993, 9
billion for 21.2 billion from imports).
Importations et exportations en milliards de
dollars :
Imports and exports in billions of dollars :
Année Imports Exports Evolution
Year Imports Exports Evolution
1991 63.81 71.9 +8.1%
1990 53.4 62.1 +8.7%
1989 59.1 52.5 -6.6%
1988 55.2 47.5 -7.5%
China is in full
expansion for the last few years, due partly to the
size of Chinese populations abroad who bring back
western knowledge acquired in universities and in
industry to China.
In 1995 imports represented 24.41 billion dollars
Chinese imports are essentially made up of cereals,
crude oil and its derivatives, food products and
In heavy industry the volume of chemical products
imported came to 10.3 billion dollars in 1994.
In other sectors like petrol or steel the imports
tend to be lessening, in 1994 -24.3% for steel and
-25.2% for petrol.
237,000 motor vehicles were imported that same
year, a drop of -51.3%.
Exports have risen,
+22.9% in 1995. In fact the global volume for that
year was 148.77 billion dollars.
The government is encouraging the creation of jobs
and the rise in purchasing power. However China is
one of the poorest nations, the GDP per inhabitant
is 530 dollars a year.
Chinese Economy
(billions of $, GDP/p/$
and % in national currency)
global GDP 518 587 630 780 1318
GDP pp 470 490 530 610 22800
Var. vol. of GDP +13% +13% +11,8% +10,8% +2,2%
Aid +6,10 +9 +12,76 - -12,50
Ext. debts 74,6 89 93 110 -
Rate of inflation 6,3% 13% 21,7% 14,8% 1,7%
Unemployment rate 2,3% 2,6% 2,8% 2,9% 12,6%
Profits tourism 3,53 3,90 4,50 - 24,5
Rate US$ US 5,51 5,76 8,61 5,55 -
The external debt in 1996 was 106.6 billion
dollars,the interest being 23.53 billion dollars (a
rise of 27%).
Formerly the Chinese did not want to sell their
machines to the West, according to an importer in
Hong Kong. 20 years ago the Chinese could only
choose between 2 colours for their clothes, khaki
or blue. A bicycle was considered to be a luxury
In the space of one generation all this has
changed. The towns are all lit by neon lighting,
the streets blocked by traffic jams and computer
manuals have replaced Mao's little red
The average income of the 300
million town dwellers is 5059 yuan (2980 FF) and
the 65 million peasants have an annual income of
440 yuan (260 FF).
GDP by province in billions of yuan.
(1 F = 1,6 Yuan)
Xinjiang 67,3
Tibet 4,5
Qinghai 13,8
Mongolie intérieure 68,1
Inner Mongolia 68.1
Ningxia Hui 13,1
Gansu 45,1
Sichuan 277,7
Yunnan 97,4
Shanxi 85,3
Shaanxi 84,6
Guizhou 52,1
Guangxi 124,1
Hainan 33,1
Pekin 108,4
Hebei 214,7 - Henan 219,8 - Hubei 187,8 - Hunan
169,4 - Guangdong 424 - Heilongjiang 161,8 - Jilin
96,8 -
Liaoning 258,4 - Tianjin 72,5 - Shandong 387,2 -
Fujian 168,5 - Anhui 148,8 - Zheijian 266,6 -
Shangai 197,1
Shanghai - Jiangsu 405,7
Consumption (in francs per
year and per person)
1980 1985 1990 1994
Rural 111 216 356 679
Urban 310 501 1053 2472
4 - Agriculture
In 1995 agricultural
production represented 132.5 billion US
Agriculture, Fishing, Forestry :
The total farmable surface covers 96 million
Between 1957 and 1989 17 million hectares were lost
while the population grew by 90%.
Three cereals are grown : rice (32%) with a
production of 5738 kg/ha. Wheat (32%), 3318 kg/ha.
Maize (21%) of which China is the second biggest
producer in the world.
Livestock is made up of 425 million pigs (1995), 91
million cattle and 22 million buffalo.
There are 430 million ducks bred.
20 million tons of fish are fished a year, 40% of
which are fresh water fish.
300 million cubic metres of wood can be cut each
Chinese agriculture
(in millions of tons, head, m3 for wood)
Rating 1994 1995 Rang
Bananas 3,10 3,10 5e
Wheat 102 100 1er
Timber - 2e
Cattle 90,9 100,9 4e
Sugar cane 65,7 65,7 3e
Cereals 393,2 403,1 1er
Cotton (fibre) 4,25 4,25 2e
Maize 99,6 107,4 2e
Millet 3,7 3,5 3e
Rating 1994 1995 Rang
Oranges 7 7 3e
Barley 3,2 3,2 13e
Sheep 111,6 122,7 2e
Fishing 20,72 - 1er
Potatoes 43,3 43,3 1er
Pigs 402,8 424,7 1er
Rice 178,0 180,0 1er
Tea 0,60 0,60 2e
Wine 0,36 0,36 13e
5 - Industry
The industrial production in 1995 represented
277 billion US dollars.
China is a major producer :
* of coal : 1,240,000 tons in 1995
* of petrol and natural gas
* of hydroelectricity : 132.5 billion kWh en 1992
and 168 billion kWh in 1994.
The industry is state organized
and there are special economic zones where the
entire production is made for export, particularly
in the sector of machines and transportation
material, and in the aerospacial sector (Australian
satellite launched from Xichang on the 28th August
China's industrial
(mining in thousands of tons, except natural gas in
billion of m3, metals, energy in kWh)
Rating 1992 1993 1994 1995
Silver 200 220 231 225 12e
Bauxite 6 661 6 500 6 500 6 500 5e
Coal 1 020 000 1 047 000 1 094 000 1 2240 000
Copper 309 345 346 345 9e
Tin 43 49,1 54,1 54 1
Iron 97 020 117 366 119 478 125
000 2e
Natural gas 15,7 15,8 16,7 17,0 23e
Lignite 90 000 94 000 95 000 95 000 3e
Nickel 30 29,1 31,2 31 6e
Gold 118 127 130 130 6e
Petrol 141 566 144 200 146 896 148 838 5e
Phosphates 23 000 24 000 26 000 27 000 2e
Lead 3330 346 352 350 3e
Uranium 0,8 0,8 0,80 - 11e
Petrol reserves 3274 million tons
Coal reserves 4500 million tons
Energy production 725,9 479,99 786 - -
Energy consumption 700 708,87 - - 223,9
Electrical production 754,44 839,45 928 984
Nuclear part 0 1,7 14,2 12,1 360
Hydraulic part 132,5 151,8 168,1 - 72,3
In 1980 the price fixed for coal had not been
revised since 1955. China was obliged to ease the
restrictions on the coalmining prices as the steel
industries and the nuclear power stations could no
longer keep to the fixed prices.
In 1988 the state mining got permission to sell
part of their production at free market prices and
the price of the other part was blocked by