15 - Working in China
State structures no
longer control the totality of recruitments. A
major problem is the lack of labour regulations.
When laws exist they are easily circumvented. Two
main obstacles to working in China are : the total
ignorance of how business is practiced in the
western world and and the absence of people
speaking French or English. The lack of good
management staff causes an incredible turnover and
an annual hike in salaries of around 30%. "Winning
away" personnel trained by other western companies
(by offering double or triple the salary) is a
national pastime.
Setting up a company, looking for work :
To get in touch with a company, you could
contact :
- the commercial councellor in the Embassy
- the Chamber of Commerce overseas
- the local Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- the local management of external trade
- the professional trade union of companies
There are many difficulties to be faced if you want
to go and work in China and set up a company :
- not very many people are competent
- expatriates are expensive and there are hidden
costs involving the work force i
- the volatility of the work force
- it is extremely difficult to manage conflictual
situations with Chinese partners
- there are problems with intercultural
communication and negotiation
- customs duties : on the fiscal level and on the
intermediary level. The nomenclature is also quite
different in China. The situation varies from one
place to another. For example in Canton alone there
is already 20,000 customs agents, as it is a
regional capital.
A customs' specialist Mr Luc Manneval advises " The
golden rule is simple ... do not do anything alone
in China. In my opinion you have to stop at the
border of the country and let the Chinese
intermediaries deal with the operation until the
final client has been delivered. Since the 1st
April 1996 4,000 products of all kinds,
particularly industrial and consumer goods, have
had their taxes lowered, some of them have gone
down by 30%."
It is rare to find an ideal Chinese manager,
competent in the technical field, in languages and
management. If a French company does find a
competent manager he will have to be offered a high
salary with fringe benefits.
To distribute your products in China :
Distribution is not very organized, there are
no chains of wholesalers or retailers. Carrefour
who have opened their first big store in China
offer low priced products and large quantities.
Elsewhere numerous sale spaces, windows and shelves
are practically empty. Unfortunately commercial
rents stay high.
Many western goods are imported but not in a steady
enough way, so that a certain product can stay
unfindable for several months.
Before trying to sell a product in China, you
must ask a few questions :
- does this particular product need permission from
the ministry which deals with it (e.g.
pharmaceutical products)?
- is this product subjected to a quota?
- is this product subjected to regulations about
trademarks and counterfeiting?
- does this product need technical support (e.g.
manuals in Chinese)?
- how can overall distribution be done
- what shops should be chosen?
Sectors which are encouraged :
Article 5 in the regulations encourages foreign
investors in the following sectors : energy,
transport, prime materials, large scale
infrastructural projects (hydraulic, railway lines,
airports, power stations, gas pipelines, oil
piplines), aeronautic construction, food production
industries etc. All investment projects permit the
use of natural and human resources in the centre
and the west of China.
Protected sectors :
Article 6 defines 4 sectors subjected to
restrictions : the watch making industry, bicycles,
washing machines, refrigerators, tobacco industry,
certain mining ressources.
Forbidden sectors :
Anything concerned with national defence, civil
order, public health, public services, artisan work
or traditional Chinese techniques.
International relationships :
On 12th January 1994 France and China announced
that they were about to "completely normalize their
relationship" and France declared that it would not
sign any new arms contracts with Taiwan.
You should know that an average urban salary is
about 3000 Frs, which is the price of a moped. But
80% of the population live with 900 Frs per
household a year, according to the China Daily
Economic News.
16 - Formalities to be completed
Getting a visa :
The time it takes depends on the type of visa
requested :
- 10 working days for an individual visa
- 5 working days for a group visa
Papers needed to obtain a visa :
To obtain a visa it is necessary to provide the
following papers :
1) passport : which must be valid at the time of
demand for :
- 6 months for a visa authorizing a single
- 9 months for a multi-entry visa valid for 6
- 15 months for a multi-entry visa valid for 12
2) Photograph : a demand for a visa must absolutely
be accompanied by an identity photo (colour or
black and white).
3) Form : a demand for a visa must be made on the
official form requesting a visa, carefully filled
in on which you must stick the identity photo.
For people who cannot move around, it is possible
to designate someone else to complete the
For people living far away from an embassy, the
form can be sent by post if you send a stamped
addressed envelope.
However, passports sent by post are not
4) An invitation letter (except for tourist visas)
: all visa demands made by a French citizen must be
accompanied by an invitation coming from a
competent Chinese official authorized by the
Chinese government.
For an individual tourist visa :
The following papers are needed :
- visa or plane ticket to your final
- the form for your demand for a visa carefully
filled out accompanied by an identity photo
- valid passport.
For a student visa :
Students wishing to continue their studies in
China must have a visa. There are two categories of
student visa :
For short term studies, less than six months, you
need to provide the following papers to get a visa
- an official invitation delivered by the Chinese
- a certificate of school registration or a JW 201
(or 202) form requesting a student visa delivered
by the State Commission for Education
- a form requesting a visa which must be correctly
filled in and on which you have stuck an identity
- a valid passport.
For studies longer than six months the same papers
must be provide and additionally you have to give a
medical certificate delivered by the Chinese
authorities. The documents must be filled in,
signed and stamped by the French medical
The French Minister of Foreign Affairs must
guarantee its authenticity, the certificate must
then be validated by the consular service of the
Chinese Embassy.
To get a group visa :
To get this visa you have to provide the
following papers :
- an official invitation delivered by an
organization authorized by the Chinese
- a list of delegates, in 3 copies, which has been
provided by China
The lists must be typewritten and not
- copies of the delegates passports, which must be
numbered in the order of the list.
For children who do not have a passport, the
following papers must be provided :
- a form requesting a visa which must be filled
out with the name, sex, date of birth of the child
and the family relationship
- an identity photo of the parents (or the persons
requesting the visa) as well as one of the
- the passport belonging to the parents in which
the child must be registered, as well as the
identity photo of the child.
For other professional visas :
-an official invitation delivered by the
competent authorities (the Office of Foreign
Affairs and the state commissions dealing with
economic and commercial issues in the provinces, or
certain national companies). The invitation must
mention the name of the person invited and the
proposed length of stay.
In some cases this invitation can be replaced by a
letter from the direction of the company in which
the person asking the visa is working.
A medical certificate should accompany this letter
(the form has to be asked from the Chinese but it
has to be filled out, signed and stamped by the
French medical authorities). The authenticity of
this certificate must be attested by the French
ministry of Foreign Affaires and only after this
can it be validated by the consular service of the
Chinese Embassy.
- a form requesting a visa correctly filled in
- an identity photo stuck on the form
- a valid passport.
17 - Health &
We recommend that you get your vaccinations up
to date before leaving for China : tetanos, polio
and typhoid, and if you are staying over a long
period get vaccinated against hepatitis A and
There is a risk of malaria.
It is absolutely necessary to have a first aid box
with you, with intestinal antiseptics, eye drops,
disposable syringes and basic antibiotics. Also
take with you any medecines that you use on a
regular basis.
Protect yourself against any risks of MST and
Aids, the statistics of the disease are not