- Working in Germany - Formalities
If you are staying for less than three months you
can enter the country with only a valid identity
This does not allow entry to other members of your
family, neither does it entitle you to work.
If you stay over three months you have to apply for
a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis).
Anmeldung : the obligatory
administrative form - without this document you are
not allowed to do anything in the country. You
should apply for this within a week of your
To get one, go to the police station in the
district you live in, with your passport.
You will only get a form if you have your own
address, otherwise you will have to get the
Anmeldung form signed by the person from whom you
are subletting a flat (or by a friend confirming
that you live with him).
Residence Permit
(Aufenthalserlaubnis) :
A residence permit is still necessary, in spite of
the European Union.
In order to obtain a residence permit, you will
need your Anmeldung, your passport and 2 identity
photos. Go with these documents to the
You will also have to be able to justify your
income in Germany, before you receive the
If you have opened a bank account in Germany you
can show a simple photocopy; a letter certifying to
financial back-up plus photocopy of the passport
and a bank statement from the person helping you,
is acceptable.
If you have already found a job, a certificate from
your employer indicating that he is waiting for the
permit to regularize your situation, will be
sufficient to obtain it.
Information from :
Bureau of Administration (Bundesverwaltungsamt)
Marzellenstrasse 50-57, 5000-Köln-1 :
(Ask for the free book no. 119).
The Arbeitsamt/The
This Labour Exchange offers its services to all
the members of the European Economic Community
resident in the FRG.
Studentenarbeit-Vermittlung are labour offices for
students where there are several offers, but not
often for high quality jobs.
If you decide to look for a job on your own, you
can get lists of companies from professional
There are plenty of openings if you want to do au
pair work, or teach languages, or do housework.
If you want to work as a farm labourer contact
IFEP, National Agricultural Centre
Keniworth, Warwickshire CV8 2LG
Grande Bretagne -(203) 696584
work in tourism, you need to have a minimum of
You can contact :
Zentral und International Fachvermittlung für
Hotel und Gaststätpersonal. Feuerbachstrasse
42, D-6000 Francfort. : 00-49-69-71111.
jobs in building, contact :
*Bosch & Partner GmbH, Huhnerstrasse 11, W-4240
Tel : 282-270-177
* Gerüstbau GmbH & Co Kg, Industriestrasse
no. 64, D-6700 Ludwigshafen
* Interproject, PO Box 1105, D-4193 Kranenburg,
* Kuster Bau, 4 Vorheiderweg, D-4700 Hamm,
For jobs with computers, contact :
* Eurolink - Keizersgracht 62 - 1014-CS Amsterdam,
Tel : (010-31) 20520 - Fax : (20-5207-510).
To work in Germany, you need a work contract, a
letter from your employer and a medical
* If you are not a student the Labour exchange
address is :
Bundesanstalt für Arbeit, Postfach 8500,
To create a company
You need to go with a valid passport to the
Ministry of Economy :
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft,
Unter-den-Linden 40-60, D-1080 Berlin -
Tel : 372-233-5520 Fax : 372-239-6250.
Taxation works on an installment system. The social
charges are the highest of all the EU.
A couple earning less than 11,000 DM does not have
to pay income tax, nor does a person living alone
who earns less than 5,600 DM.
The Press
The leading national dailies regularly publish job
offers : the Frankfurter Allgemeine, the
Süddeutche Zeitung and Die Zeit are amongst
the best known.
Web sites dealing with employment in French,
English and/or German :
fédéral du Travail (BfA) :
Ministère fédéral du
Travail et des Affaires sociales (BMA) :
Ministère fédéral de
l'Economie (BMWi) : http://www.bmwi.de
Goethe-Institut de Paris : http://www.goethe.de/fr/par/friwirt6.htm
Chambre franco-allemande de Commerce et
d'Industrie (CCIFA) : http://www.ahk-ccifa.fr/emploi.html
Centrale de placement d'emploi :
Université de Mannheim:
Wirtschaftswoche: http://www.wirtschaftswoche.de
Cesar : http://www.cesar.de
Agence de placement central et international des
personnels et cadres de l'hôtellerie et de la
restauration (ZIHOGA) ) :
Service international de l'échange de
jeunes et des visiteurs de la RFA (IJAB) :
AIESEC : http://www.fr.aiesec.org
Association Franco-Allemande des assistants
parlementaires (AFAAP): http://www.afaap.org
Association Franco-Allemande des Stagiaires
Professionnels (AFASP) : http://www.afasp.net
Jobline ( : http://www.jobline.de
International Aupair Association (IAPA)
Office franco-allemand de la jeunesse (OFAJ)
: http://www.ofaj.org/fr/famille/html
Société pour des contacts
internationaux de la jeunesse: http://www.gijk.de
Séjours au pair : http://www.au-pair-box.com/french/index.htm
Association pour le travail de la jeunesse
international: http://www.ekd.de/au-pair
Absolventen im Web: http://www.abiw.de
Agence Königsteiner : http://www.koenigsteiner-agentur.de
IQStellenmarkt : http://www.IQStellenmarkt.de
Jobline : http://www.jobline.de
Jobpilot : http://www.jobpilot.de
Jobware : http://www.jobware.de
Jobworld : http://www.jobworld.de
Junge Karriere : http://www.jungekarriere.com
WDR-Jobs : http://www.wdr.de/jobs/bin/index.cgi
Job: http://www.job.de
Jobmonitor : http://www.jobmonitor.com
JobNET : http://www.jobnet.de
Jobrobot : http://www.jobrobot.de
Job-Suche : http://www.job-suche.de
Jobticket : http://www.jobticket.de
Monster.de : http://www.monster.de
Paris-jeunes-emploi : http://www.paris-jeunes-emploi.org
Stellenanzeigen : http://www.stellenanzeigen.de
Stellenbörse : http://www.stellenboerse.de
Stellenmarkt http://www.stellenmarkt.de
Worldwidejobs : http://www.worldwidejobs.de
Unicum : http://www.unicum.de/praktikum/index.html
Newspapers publishing job offers
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung :
Handelsblatt : http://www.handelsblatt.com
Süddeutsche Zeitung : http://www.sueddeutsche.com/indexa.html
Die Zeit : http://www.jobs.zeit.de
Wirtschaftswoche : http://www.wiwo.de
Die Welt : http://www.berufswelt.de/berufswelt
Le Figaro : http://www.lefigaro.fr/campus
Frankfurter Rundschau : http://www.fr-aktuell.de/fr/index.htm
Focus : http://www.focus.de/job
Computerwoche : http://www.computerwoche.de
Forums for student employment
Comité de salons et de foires de
l'économie allemande : http://www.auma.de
Access: http://www.access-online.de
Bonding: http://www.bonding.de
Career Futures : http://www.career-futures.de
Careers-in-Germany : http://www.careers-in-germany.com
Characters : http://www.characters.de
Congrès allemand des
diplômés d'études:
Consulting Days : http://www.forum-jobline.de/produkte/consultingdays
Forum franco-allemand
Entreprise/Université/Etudiants pour
l'emploi et la Coopération (
IKOM - Contacts industriels :
Karrieretag : http://www.karrieretag.de
Kontaktiva :
16 - Health
Hygiene conditions
Very good hygiene conditions.
No particular diseases.
Vaccinations/ Precautions
There is no obligatory vaccinations apart from
being up-to-date with tetanos, typhoid, BCG-German
measles and polio.
Attention :
As in the rest of the European Community there
exists a developement of MST, Sida and Hepatitis B
and C, which is preoccupying the government.
Medicine /Hospitalization
The German public health system encourages the use
of public hospitals. It is however possible to be
treated by private services in a university or
regional hospital if you have a complementary
medical insurance.
German doctors are very competent. It is possible
to find French-speaking doctors (our list of Useful
As a European citizen, even if you don't have a
job, you can still get good quality medical care in
a public hospital or in a private clinic if you are
sick or pregnant or need an operation, and nearly
free of charge.
It is necessary in this case to have a E111 or E112
form (for pregnant women or children) which will
allow the medical charges to be arranged by your
own country's Health and Welfare and other
insurance organizations.
You will find all the medicines you need in
There is an international pharmacy in Dusseldorf
where you can order and rapidly receive French
Domestic animals
Dogs and cats (up to 3 animals) can be taken to
Germany with you on holiday so long as they have an
international health certificate and a veterinary