Immo hunter in Brussels
Searching for a property to buy or to rent in Brussels?
Let HOME DATING help you find the perfect solution.
Home Dating is Brussels leading property search
service. We focus on people who do not have time to look for
an apartment or a house, people who are not in the
Brussels area to visit properties.
Home Dating is a new service, not a property company. We
work in complete independence from real estate agencies. Our
client is the buyer, not the seller.
Whether you are considering buying, renting or investing,
youll benefit from our thorough knowledge of Brussels
and its residential districts and property market.
We will be your private consultants, helping you to obtain
the property that best meets your specifications. Our
trusted partners offer a range of complementary
property-related services, including interior design and
renovation, at the best possible price.
To find out more or to set an appointment by phone or in
person, please contact us at :
E-mail : contact@homedating.be
Tel : + 32 (0) 473 51 16 68
Home Dating
25, rue de lEscrime
1190 Bruxelles