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Mexico Welcome
Guide for living and working in Mexico
A guide, information, advice and useful addresses to be able to leave well-informed.
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Mexico Welcome

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Mexico (fr)
Mexique (fr)
Mexique (fr)

City Ville Guide

Several airlines fly to Mexico from all over Europe.

Air France and Aermexico have daily direct flights between Paris-Mexico City and Paris-Cancun. The flight time is 11h50.

Air France : tel 0820 820 820
Aeromexico : tel 0800 42 30 91, 01 55 04 90 10

Other American and European companies also fly to Mexico, with connecting flights : Iberia (via Madrid), KLM (via Amsterdam), Delta Airlines (via New York or Atlanta), Continental Airlines (via Miami and NY and Houston).

Airport tax is included in the price of the ticket, but a "tourist tax" of 150 pesos (120 FF) has to be paid when you enter the territory.

Internal transport
To travel around the country the best mode of transport is the plane which is quick and so will allow you to get a general view on several different regions.

The local airline companies sell a 'pass' to be able to travel cheaper. Check your flights regularly as flight times can change between the time you book and you take the plane.

Other means of transport : there are 245,433 kms of road and 26,434 kms of rail. The bus service is quite well developed.

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