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Spain Welcome
Guide for living and working in Spain
A guide, information, advice and useful addresses to be able to leave well-informed.

Spain Welcome

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Working in Spain
There are different kinds of work permit :
- Permit A, valid for seasonal work for a period under 9 months
- Permit B, valid for a year, renewable, but in the same geographical region
- Permit C, renewable and valid for 5 years.
Labour Exchanges are called Oficinas de empleo or the Instituto Nacional de Empleo (INEM) :
They offer several services for people job hunting : enrolment, job offers and information about employment incentives, training and professional orientation. They are open to all members of the European Union (you have to show an identity card). In order to be able to get unemployment benefits you have to have worked for at least a year full time. Unemployment benefits are equivalent to 70% of the last full time salary or 40% of a part time salary.
Eures : The Eures network can give you precise information about administratitive steps to take and recruiting methods used in Spain.
Agencias de Trabajo Temporal (ATT) : Temporary agencies have only been legalized in Spain since the end of 1994. The temporary work market is booming. You can also get information via the Chambers of
which give lists of addresses of companies recruiting.
Office of international migration: This office works in the same manner as an employment agency for French expatriates.
Training courses : French workers and job seekers benefit from conventions signed within the European Union. Financial aid can be asked for from the Spanish government to cover accomodation and traveling expenses. You have to make preparations well in advance as there are many more demands than training courses offered.

Au pair : It is a good idea to do this at the same time as following a course in the Spanish language. For all information contact : - Relaciones Culturales Internacionales - Calle Ferraz 82, Madrid 28008 - Tel 479-6446

Seasonal agricultural work : ACUDES, Casa Mayor, 47830 Tordehumos Valladolid Tel
National cooperation service : The NCS is one of the civilian forms of the National Service. In Spain voluntary service as a form of national service can be done in a company : VSNE (volunteer for national service in an enterprise) or in an administrative service (volunteer for national service in administration).
VSNE : all candidates must complete all the normal national service formalities for young men as well as those specifically indicated for voluntary service.

Private employment agencies:
TEA CEGOC: Fray Bernardino de Sahagun 24, 28036 Madrid; fax 789-527
Manpower: Teachers Group SA, Raimundo Spez Villaverde 30-Desp 5, 28003 Madrid; tel 253-9140
Manpower: Teachers Group SA, Corsega 372 ; 08037 Barcelona ; tel 258-1101
Manpower: Teachers Group SA, Edificio Forum, Louis de Morales 32.5, Modulos 19-21 ; 41018 Sevilla ; tel 457-5041

Local Press :
The papers ABC, El Mundo and El Pais run ads in the economic supplement in the Sunday paper, usually for qualified workers
La Vanguardia publishes small ads on Sundays and there is also a specialized weekly paper called
 El Mercado del Trabajo.

Newspapers in English :
* The Costa Blanca News (Edificio Astoria A, 2°n 3°, Calle Dr Perez Lorca, Apdo 95, 03500 Benidorm ; tel 585-8361) ;
* The Iberian Daily Sun, Ediciones Jemma SA, Zurbano 74, 28010 Madrid ; tel 442-7700 ; fax 442-7854

In Spain French expatriate management is highly appreciated. Particularly in the commercial sector, industry and independent professions.


If you are a member of a European Union country you only need a valid identity card or passport.

Residence permit :
As Spain is a member of the European Union there is no special formalities for other Europeans. You can enter, leave, travel, reside and work in Spain without having to have a resident's card, for a period less than three months.

After this period you have to apply for this card or for a prolongation of your stay from the DGPE, the Direction General de Policia para Extrangeros, or from your consulate in the region where you are living.

A residence permit is obligatory after you have resided six months in the country. To get one you have to have signed a work contract and received an identification number (NIE) which will be shown on your national identity document (DNI) from the police station in the district you are living in.

You need a residence permit to be able to open a bank account. It is usually valid for two years. You can also get one from a legal office (a gestoria). You will need your police record.

Social Security :
All employees have to pay towards the Seguridad Social (Health and Welfare) in their district, where there is a dispensary. As a foreigner it is advisable to take out a complementary health insurance.

Dental care is not reimbursed by the social security services.

Hygiene in the country :
There is a good level of hygiene and no particular diseases.

Vaccinations :
Adults :
Nothing is obligatory to enter Spain.
Children :
They must have been vaccinated against diptheria, tetanos, poliio and typhoid.
You should know that certificates of these vaccinations will be asked for when the children are enrolled in school.

Animals :
Their vaccination certificates must be up to date.

Doctors/Hospitals/Medicine :
You can find doctors, chemists and dentists speaking French or English all over Spain.
To be able to get free medical care you have to go to the general practitioner belonging to the district in which you live.
There are plenty of good hospitals and clinics of an international standard in the country.
Most of the big international laboratories are represented in Spain, all kinds of medicines are available.

Precautions :
Be careful and take all your precautions against AIDS, as everywhere in the world nowadays.
If you sensitive to allergies watch out for pollen as certain regions of Spain (eg Andalousia) have lots of flowers and flowering trees, especially in the spring time.

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