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South Africa Welcome
The Guide for Living and Working

A guide, with information, advice and useful addresses.
Expatriate and relocation guide to Le Cap, Pretoria, Cape Town, ...
A guide with information and recommendations to help you prepare your trip


South Africa Welcome

Personalized solutions for expatriates
Pensions, life insurance, economic disability, medical expenses, ..

Links partners to South Africa

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(moving, relocate, insurance, health, Visa, Aparthotel, Hotel, Housing; concierge, home management, sitting services, ..)

Relocation and Removals :
Free quote request


Political Status Geographical situation
Economy & statistics


Other sectors
Weights, measures and voltages
Main towns


Entry formalities:
Health & medicine


Connections with France
Time differences
Car rental
Hotels & restaurants
Your suitcase
Your car
Schools & schooling
Cost of Living


Useful Addresses

International Corporate Services Provider SET UP AN OFFSHORE COMPANY IN SEYCHELLES
Professional offshore services provider specializing in Seychelles Jurisdiction, bank accounts, yacht registration


Go to South Africa

National Day : 24th April (Constitution Day)

Political : South Africa is a republic with a presidential regime.
The National Assembly is made up of 400 deputies elected by general election.
The President is elected for a five year term of office by the National Assembly from among its members.
The National Council for the Provinces (90 members - 10 per region) are elected by the regional assemblies.

  • Economic growth rate:
  • Rate of growth 1990 -1999 : 1.9%
  • Population : 43.4 million
  • GDP 1999 in billions of dollars : 133.2
  • Exports 2005: 33.4 billion dollars
  • Imports : 30.8 billion dollars
  • Unemployed : 9 million
  • Unemployment rate : 36%
  • Gross external debt : 22.484 billion dollars
  • Inflation : 4.5%
  • Country risk : low
  • Foreign investment : 1.38 billion dollars

 Economy : The recovery in the market value of minerals and an up-surge in domestic expenditure would seem to indicate that South Africa was returning to a relatively comfortable growth rate, even if the flood damage at the beginning of 2000 slowed down the initial movement. The stability of the rand has added to this newfound confidence. [Read]

Working : Where to look for job offers ?
In the French press (Le Monde, Le France Soir, Figaro, Moniteur du Batiment, Expat Magazine..) for French companies sending people overseas.
In the local press (The Star, daily paper, 200,000 copies printed, The Sunday Times, weekly, 500,000 copies printed.)

Health : Take precautions against AIDS. From 1,500 to 1,700 people are contaminated each day ! The rate of infection is 13%, by the year 2010 6 million South Africans will be sero-positive.
President Thabo Mbeki proclaimed that the VIH virus is not at the origin of the disease and in the rural areas they believe that traditional medicine can cure AIDS and that the main causes of the disease are poverty, malnutrition and unemployment!

The National Anthem
Nkosi Sikelel'iAfrika et Die Stem :

Nkosi Sikekel'iAfrika
Maluphakanyasw'uphondo lwayo
Yiswa imithandazo yethu
Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho lwayo Morena boloka sechaba sa heso
O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho
O se boloke (O se boloke) sechaba sa heso
Sechaba sa South Africa, South Africa

Uit die blou van onse hemel
Uit die diepte van ons see
Oor ons ewige gebergtes
Waar die kranse antwoord gee

Sound the call to come together
And united we will stand
Let us live and strive for freedom
In South Africa our Land  

and translated

God bless Africa
May her horn reach to heaven
So God can hear our prayers
And bless us, us His children (of Africa)
May God bless our nation
And do away with all war and all suffering
Protect our nation, protect our South African nation, South Africa

Sound the call up to our blue skies
and down in our deep seas
Up to our eternal mountains
Where the echo resounds
Sound the call to come together
And united we will stand
Let us live and strive for freedom
In South Africa our Land


Observations :
Shopping :
Shops are open from 8am to 5pm from Monday to Friday and from 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.
In the big towns several of the shops, particularly in the shopping malls, are open on Sundays.
South Africa is known for the high quality of its products.
Credit cards are accepted in all the big shops, but less so in the small towns and in the countryside.

  • GDP per capita : $ 3,160
  • Purchasing power parity :
    5,800 dollars
  • Growth prevision 2001:

The French community is estimated at 7000 people, 5500 are registered
( + 4000 in Johannesburg and about 500 in Cape Town)

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